Iron Maiden Eddie model kit
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
UPDATED 11/27/10
It's here!
Here is my OOB review of the kit.
And if you want to see what the original sculpt looked like, check this page.
  Iron Maiden Eddie model kit

Iron Maiden Eddie model kit
First of all. As you can see from the pic, there are a ton of parts. I counted 20 pcs!
This is a builders dream! It's gonna take a little work and some creativity to build it correctly.
Everything was well packed, and arrived damage free.
The little parts were in a baggie with foam peanuts.
The arms were in a separate baggie.
Each hand was in a separate baggie.
Also, (not pictured) the placenta was in a sculpy box. (the reason it wasn't pictured is cause I couln't find it. do'h. Had to email Charlie. Felt so stupid when he told me where to look :-)
Iron Maiden Eddie model kit Iron Maiden Eddie model kit Iron Maiden Eddie model kit
Sorry my pictures aren't better. but you can get an idea of the detail on this baby.
I really like the way the bottom section will overlap the upper section in the back. Will add a lot more support and make it real easy to line things up and take care of the seams.
Iron Maiden Eddie model kit Iron Maiden Eddie model kit
The base is massive, and very well done.

Iron Maiden Eddie model kit
Iron Maiden Eddie model kit
Iron Maiden Eddie model kit
Really wish you could see all the detail in these pictures. If you think it looks great here, wait until you see it in person, you WILL be blown away!

Iron Maiden Eddie model kit Iron Maiden Eddie model kit
Iron Maiden Eddie model kit
These 3 shots are just to give you an idea of the scale of this kit.
It is a great size! Big enough to really show off Wayne's sculping job, but not too big to sit on a shelf.

Almost forgot to mention the casting itself. As you can see from the pic, there is some clean-up at the joints, but other than that....... this is gonna be fun. I found zero pinholes, and at most just some very minor seam work to be done at all on this kit.

Iron Maiden Eddie model kit
Here is a scan of the instructions for it.